**With the Säntis 6.0 release**
you can easily handle this situation by putting an ErrorStartEvent into the Html Dialogs and then implement the error handling flow: send a mail, show an error dialog in the same context.
See: http://release.axonivy.com/ or try it with the latest sprint increment http://www.ivyteam.ch/flatpress/?page=download_last_increment
**For 5.1 and later**
I guess the apporach with you own exception-handler-factory in the faces-config.xml should workd. work. Class Not Found exceptions arise as the factory is implemented within you your ivy project and the webApp classloader has no access to it. You can work around the problem by putting compiled class classes into webapps/ivy/WEB_INF/classes `webapps/ivy/WEB_INF/classes` directory or as jar into webapps/ivy/WEB_INF/lib . `webapps/ivy/WEB_INF/lib` directory. See similiar classes hacks here: http://answers.axonivy.com/questions/10/can-i-use-primepush-in-xpert-ivy