**Answers for Xpert.ivy 5.0 (Rothorn) with Primefaces 3.5**
- See [answers for Axon.ivy 5.1 (Lauberhorn) with Primefaces 5.0][1] if you use an older version.
There are two steps to do. First you have to install the [Atmosphere framework][1] framework][2] on which [PrimePush][2] [PrimePush][3] is based on. Second you have to configure PrimePush to use it in Xpert.ivy.
For the first step, Atmosphere unfortunately does not provide binary releases. So, please follow the instructions on the Atmosphere homepage to get the Atmosphere jar files. Then move them into the directory *webapps/Ivy/WEB-INF/lib* of the Designer/Server.
For the second step, please open the file *webapps/Ivy/WEB_INF/web.xml*. Within the web-app tag, add the following text:
<servlet-name>Push Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Push Servlet</servlet-name>
Re-start the Designer/Server. To check whether it works not, please use the [example project][3] project][4] from the [Xpert.ivy Hacker][4]. Hacker][5]. Start the process *PrimePush Hello World* in multiple browsers and type a message in one of the browsers. If everything is correct you should see the message posted to all browser windows.
Note: This question and answer was [originally posted][5] posted][6] by Heinrich Spreiter on his [Xpert.ivy Hacker blog][6]. blog][7]. Many thanks to Henry for his enthusiastic work.
[1]: http://answers.axonivy.com/questions/10/can-i-use-primepush-in-xpert-ivy/1272
[2]: https://github.com/Atmosphere/atmosphere
[2]: [3]: http://www.primefaces.org/showcase/push/index.jsf
[3]: [4]: http://xpert-ivy-hacker-source-code.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/PrimePush
[4]: [5]: http://blog.xpertivyhacker.ch/
[5]: [6]: http://blog.xpertivyhacker.ch/2012/11/xpertivy-primepush-installieren.html
[6]: [7]: http://blog.xpertivyhacker.ch/