Questions asked by Johann Hölzl asked by <a href="/users/98/johann-h%C3%B6lzl" >Johann Hölzl</a>enThu, 26 May 2011 09:32:57 -0400How to configure if display value and return value should not be the same?<p>With web page elements we can use <code></code> to construct a combo box in the page. With <code>Select options from attribute</code> we can set a process data member to define the content. </p> <p>Which data type must this be and how I have to provide the data if I want that the display value and the return value are not the same? For example if I want to display a nice user firendly string but I want to return the corresponding database ID? </p>Johann HölzlThu, 26 May 2011 09:32:57 -0400 to change the certificate for SSL/HTTPS?<p>We use SSL/HTTPS to access the Ivy server. We want to exchange the certificate with our own. How can we do this? </p>Johann HölzlMon, 07 Mar 2011 05:28:52 -0500