Questions asked by Flavio Muff asked by <a href="/users/95/flavio-muff" >Flavio Muff</a>enThu, 22 Apr 2010 05:22:33 -0400How to set a session attribute in a PI java bean class?<p>Is there a possibility to set a session attribute in a Java class (which is used in a PI)?<br> <br> In a JSP page I can set a session attribute with <code>ivy.setSessionAttribut()</code>.<br> <br> Unfortunately the <code>IvyObject</code> in the Java class does not have this method?! <br> <br> How to do this?</p>Flavio MuffThu, 22 Apr 2010 05:22:33 -0400 there a copy protection for Xpert.ivy processes available?<p>Is there a possiblity to protect the soruce code of Xpert.ivy projects?</p> <p>The protection should hinder the copying of the project by a licence key or similar?</p> <p>The problem is that the source code is also deployed to the customers.</p>Flavio MuffThu, 11 Mar 2010 04:45:59 -0500