Questions asked by Roman Stalder asked by <a href="/users/84/roman-stalder" >Roman Stalder</a>enWed, 12 May 2010 08:05:49 -0400Date calculation is wrong<p>If I calculate <code>in.Temp.Date+01;00:00:00</code> an the variable <code>in.Temp.Date</code> is set with <code>31.10.2010</code> then the result is <code>31.10.2010</code>. Why? With any other date (e.g. <code>30.10.2010</code>) it works correct. </p>Roman StalderWed, 12 May 2010 08:05:49 -0400 to write a file as into a database field of type VARBINARY?<p>I would like to write a File in a varbinary field of a database table. How do I implement this?</p>Roman StalderTue, 02 Feb 2010 00:52:54 -0500