Questions asked by Peter Weber asked by <a href="/users/63/peter-weber" >Peter Weber</a>enThu, 09 Jul 2015 09:06:37 -0400Get process data of a delayed task<p>I start cases via a trigger element with a delay (blocking period) and some parameters. In another prozess I query this delayed tasks an want to retrieve the parameters with the getStartProcessData() method like with other running tasks. But the method here returns always null. Is there a way to get the input parameter of a delayed started case?</p>Peter WeberThu, 09 Jul 2015 09:06:37 -0400 to send a variable number of attachments in E-Mail Step<p>Hello! I have a list of files. How can I send all files in that list as attachments using the E-Mail Step? The E-Mail Step allows me only to define a known number of attachments. Or is there another way to send a E-Mail with a variable number of attachments?</p>Peter WeberFri, 23 Jan 2015 15:01:16 -0500 does not work everytime<p>I'd like to get the full name of the current authenticated user. I use the following function <code>getFullname(getCurrentUserName())</code>. The problem is that the result is sometime empty. For me it is not clear why it is not working sometimes?</p>Peter WeberFri, 10 Sep 2010 04:14:01 -0400