Questions asked by Spfl_ asked by <a href="/users/627/spfl_" >Spfl_</a>enMon, 26 Mar 2018 10:25:58 -0400EntityNotFoundException: Unable to find<p>Hi Q&amp;A-Team,</p> <p>we are having an exception while trying to merge an entity : javax.persistence.EntityNotFoundException: Unable to find differenzmeldung.Differenz with id 51 the entity was saved in first step using ivy.persistence but the next step we have to remove to old list of sub entities and one of them had the id 51 but after merging again the exception occures.</p> <p>can you please provide us with an example about creating an entity with associations and how to update and remove them?</p> <p>best regards,</p>Spfl_Mon, 26 Mar 2018 10:25:58 -0400 a generated case document in the userinterface<p>Hi everyone,</p> <p>is it possible to show a case document (.pdf) by using the documentviewer(!)?</p> <p>So far the document was always saved in the webcontet folder and it worked fine by using the documentviewer with the following code:</p> <p>"&lt; pe:documentViewer height="800" width="500" library="ivy-webcontent" name="folder/file1.pdf"/&gt;" </p> <p>Source: <a href=""></a></p> <p>However... for now the document is saved in the files/application folders where obviously the documentviewer has no access, therefore im wondering if there is another opportunity to show the pdf in the userinterface?</p> <p>It seems that the documentviewer does not support this requierement. I tried to copy the case document, by using a script step, in the web-inf folder but it's not working.</p> <p>Thanks for your time!</p>Spfl_Wed, 22 Jun 2016 14:43:27 -0400 a .png-File in a word Document by using Mergefields<p>Hi everyone,</p> <p>i'm having a problem and hopefully you can help me. Until now i always used MergeFields to import information from ivy to a word-document by using e.g. the following instructions:</p> <p>import ch.ivyteam.ivy.addons.docfactory.TemplateMergeField;</p> <p>in.MergeField.add(new TemplateMergeField("FIELD1",;</p> <p>At the moment im facing the problem that i can't import .png files. It doesn't work when the data is from the type "string" because only the Path will be importet but also when the data-type is from the type "file". From my point of view it is because the mergefields only support the type "string" - is it possible to change it to the type "file" (?)</p> <p>If not - is there a work around?</p> <p>Thank you very much for your time</p>Spfl_Fri, 17 Jun 2016 13:39:42 -0400