Questions asked by lucie heinimann asked by <a href="/users/614/lucie-heinimann" >lucie heinimann</a>enTue, 12 Apr 2016 16:51:01 -0400URL-GET-Parameters with Ivy 3.9<p>I would like to pass URL-Parameters, e.g. PNR and VTG to Ivy 3.9, for example: <a href="http://localhost:8081/ivy/cm/ORGCHK/ORGCHK/index.ivd?">http://localhost:8081/ivy/cm/ORGCHK/ORGCHK/index.ivd?</a><em>PNR=999&amp;VTG=1</em> (up to "index.ivd" is the existing URL, I added "?PNR=999&amp;VTG=1")</p> <p>I've read in question "1727/how-can-i-process-the-url-get-parameters" how this works, but I suppose this is a Ivy-Version higher then 3.9. because I didn't find the possibility to define the input parameters on the start-element in Ivy 3.9.</p> <p>How can I do that with Ivy 3.9? Thanks in advance for your answer Lucie Heinimann</p>lucie heinimannTue, 12 Apr 2016 16:51:01 -0400