Questions asked by rhorber asked by <a href="/users/596/rhorber" >rhorber</a>enTue, 10 Apr 2018 09:45:14 -0400Prevent/by-pass ivy:error:loop<p>Hello everyone</p> <p>We have a process, where we parse a CSV file. For each line a web service is called (in a loop). Our error handling catches timeout and other errors with <code>Error Start</code> elements.</p> <p>The problem now is, on the second timeout (or other) error, Ivy throws an <code>ivy:error:loop</code> error, because it is the same sender and receiver element as also the same task.</p> <p>What are possible solutions for this problem? We can't send all lines at once, because the web service is third party, and also it is crucial to catch every error to handle it.</p> <p>Any help will be appreciated.<br> Thanks.</p> <p>Here's a picture of the process: <img alt="diagramm" src=""></p>rhorberTue, 10 Apr 2018 09:45:14 -0400 Task's Business - Task stage<p>In the "Inscribe Task Switch Event" under tab "Tasks" there is a tab "Business". The first two fields are labeled "Task stage".<br> Is there a Pulic API to query these two fields?</p>rhorberFri, 03 Feb 2017 08:30:42 -0500 for every user with a specific Role (dynamically)<p>Is it possible to create a task which has to be completed by every user of a specific role, which should be determined dynamically? I.e. if I have three users which own a role, all three users have to complete this task. The more convinient way would be, if all three get an own task in ther "Personal Task List".</p> <p>Thanks in advance for any answers.</p>rhorberThu, 07 Jan 2016 15:37:10 -0500