Questions asked by uyhang asked by <a href="/users/561/uyhang" >uyhang</a>enThu, 13 Aug 2015 06:32:54 -0400how to override error page in ivy 5.1.6<p>Hi all In new ivy version 5.1.6, is there any way else that we can declare new error page in server (or we just can override it in web.xml file)? Because When we upgrade the project to new ivy 5.1.6, but in application we still use JSP to develop, so when we catch the error, ivy return the error page, but in this ivy, this is returned in JSF page, it conflicts with our way, and make the application have layout error. <img alt="alt text" src=""> We catch the error from ajax call, and display all error response body in content of dialog</p> <p>The confliction could be: - style from the error page - javascript error because the jquery library in that response</p> <p>Thanks and Best Regards, Hang</p>uyhangThu, 13 Aug 2015 06:32:54 -0400