Questions asked by Andreas asked by <a href="/users/541/andreas" >Andreas</a>enThu, 17 Mar 2016 08:55:10 -0400Custom Mail Notification and TriggerTime for Delayed Tasks<p>Hi everybody</p> <p>If I create a Task with a delay, user that is responsible for that task gets an email after blocking period.</p> <p>How can be defined trigger time for sending delayed task email notifications - same as daily summary notification emails ? I can not find <code>EMail.DailyTaskDelayed.TriggerTime</code> in system properties of the engine.</p> <p>Thank you very much for clarify.</p> <p>Cheers Andreas</p>AndreasThu, 17 Mar 2016 08:55:10 -0400 information on a content object<p>In an Override Project, I need to know, if current Content Object is overridden or not. If so, customer can change the Value.</p> <p>Something like that: ivy.cms.findContentObjectValue(String,java.util.Locale).isOverride()</p> <p>Exists a way, how I can get this information?</p> <p>Thank you very much in advance!</p> <p>Cheers Andreas</p>AndreasThu, 21 Jan 2016 13:32:51 -0500