Questions asked by nqhuy asked by <a href="/users/499/nqhuy" >nqhuy</a>enTue, 30 Sep 2014 08:50:48 -0400Error of using p:dataExporter in Ivy 5<p>Hello everybody,</p> <p>I have just created a Hello word project by Axon.ivy Designer Version: 5.1.0. In this project, I used dataExporter of primeface for export data from table to excel, pdf, cvs file.</p> <p>However, There were some errors occurred when I tried to export Excel and Pdf. These are error messages I got from log file:</p> <p>For excel: ClassNotFoundException: </p> <p>For Pdf: ClassNotFoundException: com.lowagie.text.Phrase</p> <p>It worked fine with csv only</p> <p>I try to copy itext-2.1.7.jar to lib folder of project. but it did not help.</p> <p>Could you help me to clarify it.</p> <p>Thank in advance.</p> <p>Huy</p>nqhuyTue, 30 Sep 2014 08:50:48 -0400