Questions asked by Richard Schmid asked by <a href="/users/40/richard-schmid" >Richard Schmid</a>enMon, 22 Feb 2016 11:14:26 -0500Show CMS textfield in JSF-View<p>Hello Support,</p> <p>how can I use a CMS-entry with type "text" in a JSF-View without loosing the settings in CMS like e.g. font-size and line breaks ?</p> <p>Thanks in advance Richard Schmid</p>Richard SchmidMon, 22 Feb 2016 11:14:26 -0500 jsf table<p>Hello Support,</p> <p>I am looking for a simple solution to print out the content of a table from a JSF-Dialog. Is there a possibilty to do this with JSF resp. Primefaces?</p> <p>Richard Schmid Azteka </p>Richard SchmidThu, 14 Jan 2016 14:13:14 -0500 can I evalute webservice response?<p>Hello,</p> <p>I use webservices to integrate into SAP. Integration works, but I cannot read the response. How can I evaluate webservice the response, I can see when using the test-function?</p> <p>Thanks for Your answers Richard Schmid</p>Richard SchmidFri, 04 Dec 2015 10:24:10 -0500 can I integrate with SAP?<p>I have to integrate holiday records from Axon.ivy with SAP HR. How can I connect and integrate with SAP using Java? Or is ist possible to create Web Services within SAP, I could use?</p>Richard SchmidTue, 12 May 2015 10:27:23 -0400 shows all tabs on first tab<p>When starting a view using the tabView-Element, the second tab is shown as exspected, but the content of both tabs are shown on first tab. How can I manage to show the tabView correctly?</p> <p>Example Code:</p> <pre><code>&lt;p:tabView&gt; &lt;p:tab title="A"&gt; Content Tab A &lt;/p:tab&gt; &lt;p:tab title="B"&gt; Content Tab B &lt;/p:tab&gt; &lt;/p:tabView&gt; </code></pre> <p>Looks like this:<br> <img alt="tabView_shows_all_contents" src="/upfiles/tabView_shows_all_contents.png"></p>Richard SchmidFri, 18 Jul 2014 11:18:23 -0400 to show picture with galleria element using an absolute path<p>I have to show pictures within a galleria - Element, but it is not possible to use a relative path. When running the application I get no error, but the shown p:galleria is empty. </p> <p>The script is built as follows:</p> <p>p:galleria value="#{data.Data.bestandBild.umsetzen}" var="image" panelWidth="900" <br> panelHeight="600" showCaption="true"&gt;<br> p:graphicImage value="#{data.Data.urlWiki}#{image}" /&gt;<br> /p:galleria&gt;</p> <p>Source Process Data e.g.: Data.Data.urlWiki: 'E:/fotos/13-14-12-Amersfoort/' Data.Data.bestandBild.umsetzen: 'L1070273.JPG'</p> <p>The Firebug-console "Fehler" does not show anything, in the Firebug-Console "All" I can see all Pictures e.g.: img id="myForm:j_id_h:j_id_66" src="E:/Fotos/13-12-12-Amersfoort/L1070273.JPG" alt="" </p>Richard SchmidFri, 14 Feb 2014 08:31:05 -0500 can I use a list returned from persistence in a HTML dialog dataTable element?<p>How can I use persistence to get results from query as a recordset, I can use directly in a dataTable-Element?</p>Richard SchmidMon, 13 Jan 2014 11:53:46 -0500 incomplete<p>The JsfWorkflowUi does not show all tasks of a user. The tasklist seems to be limited to 25 tasks. How can the user see all Tasks?</p> <blockquote> <p>// original german post: Hallo Ivyteam, ich setze das JsfWfUi ein. Es zeigt nur einen Teil der Aufgaben des angemeldeten Users an(z.B. 25 von 44 Tasks mit State=4 und EndTimeStamp = NULL in der Tabelle IWA_Task). Wie kann ich Abhilfe schaffen? R.Schmid</p> </blockquote>Richard SchmidMon, 25 Nov 2013 15:44:58 -0500 lines in a RTable<p>Is it possible to wrap long content in a RTable cell into multiple lines?</p>Richard SchmidTue, 28 Sep 2010 02:59:00 -0400 the content of text fields automatically when focus is gained<p>I want to mark the full content of text fields automatically as soon as the text field gains the focus. I use <code>setSelectionStart</code> und <code>setSelectionEnd</code> in the focus gained. </p> <p>The problem is that I need to create a focus gained event for all text fields. I wonder if there is a more elegant solution to this?</p>Richard SchmidFri, 23 Apr 2010 11:03:07 -0400 function in Ivy 4+<p>I want to use the sudo function like in Ivy 3.9 in Ivy 4+. But I do not find it, does it exist?</p>Richard SchmidThu, 04 Feb 2010 08:27:49 -0500