Questions asked by danielf asked by <a href="/users/38/danielf" >danielf</a>enThu, 12 Jun 2014 15:57:23 -0400Pause a task, set status to suspended<p>Hi everyone,</p> <p>is it possible as a workflow user to pause or suspend a task? In this case the workflow user wants to resume his task on the next day.</p> <p>I've seen that it is possible when the workflow user opens his task and let the session of his web browser time out. But is there a way to achieve this without this mentioned time out?</p> <p>Thanks in advance for your support and this great forum.</p>danielfThu, 12 Jun 2014 15:57:23 -0400 current licence usage<p>Hey everyone,</p> <p>how can the number of the concurrent useres connected to the engine be monitored?</p> <p>tia daniel</p>danielfWed, 07 May 2014 15:44:24 -0400 Business Process as image?<p>Hello everyone.</p> <p>Is it possible to export a business process as an image like in the create report function of the designer?</p> <p>The create report function works well but my business process is too big so the image in the report has a wrong scale.</p> <p>thanks in advance</p>danielfWed, 16 Apr 2014 13:17:07 -0400<h:inputText | <p:inputText : Number seperator<p>Hi everybody!</p> <p>Is there a possibility that '0,6' and '0.6' as value of '&lt;h:inputtext&gt;' or '&lt;p:inputtext&gt; are passed as a comma serperated value into the logic layer?</p> <p>&lt;h:inputtext for="number" value="#{data.val}"&gt;&lt;f:convertnumber pattern="#0,0"/&gt;&lt;/h:inputtext&gt; The '0,6' value is passed as '6'.</p> <p>&lt;p:inputtext for="number" value="#{data.val}"&gt;&lt;/p:inputtext&gt; The '0,6' value is passed as '6'.</p> <p>If I enforce the Comma with &lt;p:inputmask mask="9,9" ...=""&gt; '0,6' is still '6'. </p> <p>tia daniel</p>danielfThu, 21 Nov 2013 15:45:10 -0500