Questions asked by vydong asked by <a href="/users/371/vydong" >vydong</a>enThu, 24 Jul 2014 06:11:45 -0400"State of Task must be one of the following values CREATED, RESUMED but is ZOMBIE" error when using Java threads on Ivy start event bean<p>Hi,</p> <p>In an our Ivy project, we used Ivy trigger to execute many processes (to speed up our services). But it made the Ivy server being slow down so much when many processes are executed. So we use Java threads instead of Ivy trigger, but we get an error about "State of Task must be one of the following values CREATED, RESUMED but is ZOMBIE" sometimes.</p> <p>Is anyone know how to solve this problem?</p> <p>Thank you in advance</p>vydongThu, 24 Jul 2014 06:11:45 -0400