Questions asked by josef_koupal asked by <a href="/users/341/josef_koupal" >josef_koupal</a>enThu, 23 Jul 2020 08:59:39 -0400Email bounced Address<p>Hallo Ivyteam</p> <p>Is there a possibility to set the bounce-address used for Sending Email using the E-Mail Step (Element) ? Example: <a href=""></a></p> <p>It should be sufficient to set the system property "mail.smtp.from", which i cannot find in Engine administration / System Properties.</p> <p>Danke Josef Koupal</p>josef_koupalThu, 23 Jul 2020 08:59:39 -0400 by Dropins load Problem<p>Referencing to the ticket in Q&amp;A #4316:</p> <p>Is there a workaround for Version 7.0.14 ? We want to use dropins feature in Astecs Project. We use no docker. By server start we get following log in the engine console:</p> <p>Install patches for classes: ch.ivyteam.ivy.richdialog.exec.internal.request.HttpRichDialogProcessRequest Time to load bundles: 5 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] Reading timestamps from file: C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\117\data\cache.timestamps [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\links=0</p> <p><strong>[p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\dropins=0</strong></p> <p>[p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\configuration\org.eclipse.update\platform.xml=1558430362000 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\plugins=1561628959416 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] c:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\dropins=1578906154328 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\features=1561628916282 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] Timestamp has been updated for file: C:\Local\AxonIvyEngine7.0.12_SSC\system\dropins, expected: 0, actual: 1578911822256 [p2] Mon Jan 13 11:37:42 CET 2020 - [Start Level: Equinox Container: 404b52ba-f035-001a-1e22-ee7dd7a6e834] [reconciler] Performing reconciliation.</p> <p><strong>Error Processing: org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.reconciler.dropins.DropinsRepositoryListener@6cd29ccd: java.lang.NullPointerException</strong></p>josef_koupalMon, 13 Jan 2020 05:41:58 -0500 JARs im maven build<p>Hi</p> <p>Bei unserem Ivyprojekt haben wir mehrere externe jar libraries (&gt; 40MB). Wir haben grad den maven/jenkins build/deployment umgesetzt. Nach dem export von IARs enthalten aber Pakette immer alle externe libraries.</p> <p>Alle Ivy Projekten waren ja mavenized und koennen maven dependencies enthalten. Damit muessen wir eigentlich im Designer nicht die externe JARs haben - die werden aus public repo automatisch heruntergeladet. </p> <p>Gibt es eine Moeglichkeit, in den target Engine die JARs irgendwie einstecken, um wir dann die JARs in in exportierte IARs nicht haben muessen ? Es wird uns die IARs groesse auf 30% Groesse reduzieren, was waere toll.</p> <p>Danke Josef</p>josef_koupalWed, 02 Oct 2019 03:55:22 -0400 build StackOverflowError<p>We can not build our IvyProject with maven and the ivy project-build-plugin. If we execute mvn compile in our ivy project the follwoing StackOverflowError happens:</p> <pre><code>[ERROR] Failed to execute goal (default-compileProject) on project astecs_core: Failed to compile project 'c:\...'.: InvocationTargetException: StackOverflowError -&gt; [Help 1] org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal (default-compileProject) on project astecs_core: Failed to compile project 'c:\...\...'. at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute ( at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute ( at org.apache.maven.lifecycle.internal.MojoExecutor.execute ( ...... Caused by: java.lang.StackOverflowError at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.TypeSystem$HashedParameterizedTypes.get ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.AnnotatableTypeSystem.getParameterizedType ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.AnnotatableTypeSystem.getParameterizedType ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LookupEnvironment.createParameterizedType ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.LookupEnvironment.convertToParameterizedType ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Scope.enclosingReceiverType ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.Scope.getBinding ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.SingleNameReference.resolveType ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.MemberValuePair.resolveTypeExpecting ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.Annotation.resolveType ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode.resolveAnnotations ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.ast.ASTNode.resolveAnnotations ( at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.lookup.FieldBinding.getAnnotationTagBits ( ... </code></pre>josef_koupalWed, 04 Sep 2019 05:43:19 -0400 Unsignierter Eintrag<p>Hi!</p> <p>Ich habe Problem mit Ivy RIA Application. Ivy Designer Version 5.1.13, Java JRE im Rechner ist 1.7.0_45 b18. Wenn ich im Designer RIA Applikation starten will, kommt ein Fehler (nach jnlp Hewrunterladung und Verifizierung): Unsignierter Eintrag gefunden in Ressource: batik-awt-util-</p> <p>Wenn ich das gleiche mit Designer 5.1.4 probiere, Applikation startet problemlos. Koennen Sie hlefen?</p> <p>Danke fuer Unterstuetzung<br> josef koupal</p>josef_koupalMon, 13 Aug 2018 10:36:35 -0400 12 in Ivy6<p>Hallo!</p> <p>Ich kann nicht mit Ivy 6.0.12 (Säntis) (Designer oder Server) zu Oracle nicht verbinden. Fehler ist: Error: ORA-28040: No matching authentication protocol. Ideen ?</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p>josef_koupalFri, 13 Apr 2018 08:17:26 -0400 to change role display names without developing update procedure/update process<p>Is there possibility to change role display names without developing such update procedure/update process ? </p> <p>Somewhere in administration similar to user edit. I know there is maybe a chance to do it updating iwa_roles, which i would like to avoid. The customer want to see modified role names in workflowUi lists (all tasks - activator user/role), without changing the workflow etc.</p>josef_koupalMon, 26 Sep 2016 15:39:41 -0400 name of ivy role<p>Is there a possibility to set Ivy role the display name ? There sure is one in designer - roles editor. But i wonder if i can do such thing on server with 'living' roles. Or even those synchronized with Novell.</p>josef_koupalMon, 26 Sep 2016 14:03:59 -0400 custom column into RTable<p>Hello!</p> <p>Is there a runtime possibility of creating a new column in designed ivy-RTable ? I have tried to do it with java in onLoad method of RichDialog - no success. Adding an empty column and setting header text is ok so far. I add a Custom implemented ITableCellRenderer and override the one and only method getTableCellRendererComponent(...)</p> <p>Renderer of designed ivy table column is of type ch.ivyteam.ivy.richdialog.widgets.components.renderers.TableCellRenderer. This type if for me in designer not accessible. Using debugger i have seen the table model configuration String (&gt;7000 chars) in it, but i can not edit it or create new one.</p> <p>When i try to use my custom renderer for new column, e.g. com.ulcjava.base.application.table.DefaultTableCellRenderer or ULCLabel, i am never able to render the text in this column. I have tried multiple methods (setText(), setValue(), "value" parameter...) but cell is always rendered empty. the only thing i can set is background color.</p> <p>Is there a way for such thing ?</p> <p>Thanks in advance josef koupal</p>josef_koupalTue, 14 Jun 2016 17:02:16 -0400 log designer<p>Hello ivyteam!</p> <p>I face a problem with ivy runtime log during starting a job/process in ASTECS project. This job (migration) processes bigger amount of data and runs more days. Unfortulately we have to start it under 32-bit Designer and are able to configure max cca 1700 MB for max heap size. Migration always crashes after couple hours with java heap space problem.</p> <p>Is there a setup available, which writes logs in log-file in &lt;designer&gt;/logs/ folder only ? No designer runtime-log view/window. We think, this window is the cause of heap-crash under more runtime logs and not enough memory preset. However we require logs at least in log-file.</p> <p>Example desired configuration: Designer runtime-log (view/window) logging level: FATAL Runtime-log into designer logs/ subfolder level: WARN</p> <p>I have tried many combinations with adding/removing registered loggers or appenders, without reaching my goal.</p> <p>Thanks for support! josef koupal</p>josef_koupalMon, 25 May 2015 11:50:07 -0400