Questions asked by matej_smetana asked by <a href="/users/279/matej_smetana" >matej_smetana</a>enWed, 02 Mar 2016 13:35:37 -0500Editable Datatable and Recordset<p>Hi, I have a problem with p:datatable which has dynamic number of columns and it is editable. Data source of the table is ivy Recordset. </p> <p>The problem is when a user change some value, this change is not processed into Recordset so the Recordset remains with old values. I have tried to change the datatable to use cell editor - with no effect.</p> <p>Here is the code: <img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <h1>{lgi.prioritizationComposite.getRows()} returns a Recordset</h1> <p>Do you have any idea what is wrong? In HTML dialog demos there is an example of datatable and recordset. But I see nothing special in it.</p> <p>Thanks Matej</p>matej_smetanaWed, 02 Mar 2016 13:35:37 -0500 Portal and absences<p>Hi all. I would like to know ho to work with absences in Axon.ivy Portal. There is a link in a top left corner. </p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>I tried to add some Absence, but I cannot select any substitude role and when I close the Absences dialog and open it again there are no absences.</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""> </p> <p>Do I need to set something special? Is this feature already implemented in Axon.ivy Portal?</p>matej_smetanaFri, 30 Oct 2015 09:14:25 -0400 to deserialize<p>Hi everyone, We have an application which uses LDAP users. I have a question regarding to the message in log:</p> <p><strong>Failed to de-serialize java object of class Object will be null.</strong></p> <p>What does it mean and how can we prevent this issue?</p> <p>Thanks</p> <p>Matej</p>matej_smetanaTue, 08 Sep 2015 10:09:05 -0400 designer system db<p>Hi, I would like to know how to add connection to the system database of the designer next to other connections. This would allow me to browse systemdb via database elements. </p> <p>Thanks a lot.</p>matej_smetanaFri, 10 Oct 2014 09:34:58 -0400 users and global variables of system application<p>Hi, I need to solve following problem. We have an ivy project deployed as a system application so it is not possible to manage it from the administration window. But it is necessary to change users and global variables. This is possible to do in the system database but this is not a good solution.</p> <p>Do you have any idea how to do it? Is there any hack like start the administration tool with same parameter etc.?</p> <p>Thanks</p>matej_smetanaWed, 25 Jun 2014 10:24:55 -0400