Questions asked by Marcel von Wyl asked by <a href="/users/163/marcel-von-wyl" >Marcel von Wyl</a>enTue, 02 Feb 2016 16:54:23 -0500Send Custom Task Notification Mail in Designer<p>Is it possible to send a custom task notification mail (with the SendTaskEmailNotification process) in the designer? This would be really helpful.</p> <p>Currently i don't get any task notification at all (in the designer).</p> <p>Thanks in advance!</p>Marcel von WylTue, 02 Feb 2016 16:54:23 -0500 entire workspace as maven project in jenkins<p>Hi everybody</p> <p>Does anyone have experience with configuring an entire workspace in as maven project in jenkins. I have no problem with setting up a single ivy project, but i would like to have multiple projects with dependencies to each other as a single maven project.</p> <ul> <li>Using ivy 5.1 projects</li> </ul> <p>Any help or hint is appreciated!</p> <p>Marcel</p>Marcel von WylMon, 18 Jan 2016 10:51:53 -0500 of IAR throws error<p>Hi Folks,</p> <p>I have an override project for X.REC, which deploys smoothly on my development server. However I have issues deploying it on the test and prod server of my client.</p> <p>The Ivy Server Version is on both cases 5.1.5 and the dependencies are all resolved. The validation of the IAR ends without errors or warnings. In the designer, there is everything right as well.</p> <p>I tried to deploy over the existing PMV as well as on a new PM and PMV.</p> <p>The following error appears:</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>Now I have no Idea what to do, or what causes the error. Thank you very much in advance!</p>Marcel von WylTue, 03 Nov 2015 09:08:18 -0500 Server Error when hitting history back button of browser<p>I have the problem, that if you have two or more dialog calls in a process, you cannot use the history back button of the browser, as soon as you are past the first dialog.</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>In this example, as soon as you reach Education, it does not work anymore.</p> <p>I think the reason for this is, that the dialog instance is closed, when you leave a dialog and move further (Dialog Close event).</p> <p><img alt="alt text" src=""></p> <p>I think that this is ivy specific, becuase as far as I know, it works properly with plain PF/JSF. In my opinion, the back button should work allways, becaus of the usability, and the developer should take care of what happens with data and so on.</p> <p>Anyway, does anybody have a solution for this?</p>Marcel von WylWed, 26 Aug 2015 08:47:31 -0400 to set the ID an Ivy Primefaces Component?<p>I have a form containing a compontent. The form has the html ID "form" and the table in the component has the ID "table". I am not able to set an ID on the component, or to omit the components ID.</p> <p>Therefore, if I want to update the table in the component it does not work. The reason for this is, that the tables ID is not "form:table" as expected, but "form:j_id_1j_1_1_2p:table".</p> <p>How can I set or omit the components ID?</p> <p>Thanks for your inputs.</p>Marcel von WylMon, 17 Aug 2015 15:34:58 -0400 can I acces global variables in an event start bean<p>I am trying to use a file pickup event bean which starts the process as soon as it detects a file in a given directory. I already have such a bean, but it uses a fix bean editor input (which cannot be changed on the server) for defining the path in which to look for files.</p> <p>I would like now to replace this fix input with a global variable. But unforunately in the bean scope I have no access to the variable and ivy.var.get("name") returns null or empty.</p> <p>Has anyone an idea how to solve this?</p>Marcel von WylThu, 05 Jun 2014 09:33:46 -0400