Questions asked by pptuan asked by <a href="/users/1134/pptuan" >pptuan</a>enThu, 29 Nov 2018 03:04:56 -0500How to keep new setting of Elasticsearch when restarting Ivy server<p>Hello all,</p> <p>Our team want to add new setting to Elasticsearch in order to support to search special characters.</p> <p><code>curl -XPUT <a href="http://localhost:9200/ivy.businessdata-ch.axonivy.fintech.valiant.datamodel.valiantcrdhwaydossier">http://localhost:9200/ivy.businessdata-ch.axonivy.fintech.valiant.datamodel.valiantcrdhwaydossier</a> -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{ "settings": { "analysis": { "char_filter": { "my_char_filter": { "type": "mapping", "mappings": [ "â =&gt; a", "ê =&gt; e", "à =&gt; a", "ï =&gt; i", "û =&gt; u", "é =&gt; e", "è =&gt; e", "ë =&gt; e", "ô =&gt; o", "î =&gt; i", "ÿ =&gt; y", "ù =&gt; u", "ç =&gt; c", "æ =&gt; ae", "œ =&gt; oe", "ü =&gt; ue" ] }, "number_filter": { "type": "mapping", "mappings": [ ". =&gt; ", "- =&gt; " ] } }, "analyzer":....</code> But when restart Ivy server, new setting is gone. We also put new setting to template as this post (<a href=""></a> with following steps: </p> <p>1) Stop Ivy server. 2) Put new setting to template. 3) Restart Ivy server. But new setting is also lost. </p> <p>To pass over this issue, we <strong>MUST delete all data in database of this index</strong>, then put new setting and restart Ivy server. </p> <p>Could you please tell me the way to go over this issue without deleting data? (Because we cannot delete data of customer).</p> <p>We are using Ivy7.0.3 and External ElasticSearch 5.5 and Oracle database.</p> <p>Thanks, Tuan</p>pptuanThu, 29 Nov 2018 03:04:56 -0500