Questions asked by hungnam asked by <a href="/users/106/hungnam" >hungnam</a>enTue, 27 Sep 2016 14:21:16 -0400Have jstl error<p>I am using ivy both 6.0 and 6.2, and I have a lot of error trace java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/jsp/jstl/core/Config I think it's because of missing jstl jar file in ivy engine. Is there any solution for that?</p>hungnamTue, 27 Sep 2016 14:21:16 -0400 to check whether role is obsolete?<p>I have some roles in application which are obsolete because the pmv they belong to is deleted or archived. So my question is how to check these roles whether are obsolete, do we have API to to it? Thanks for your interested</p>hungnamTue, 03 Mar 2015 12:24:08 -0500