Questions asked by Markus Rührmair asked by <a href="/users/101/markus-r%C3%BChrmair" >Markus Rührmair</a>enMon, 10 Mar 2014 12:11:06 -0400How can I use spring framework utility methods ?<p>I would like to use spring framework utility methods in java classes in xpert.ivy, like BeanUtils. But the library dependencies in the designer claim "org.springframework.beans" as discouraged / restricted. What would be the best way to use spring framework methods ? </p>Markus RührmairMon, 10 Mar 2014 12:11:06 -0400 Error Page<p>In our current configuration we use IIS as front-end to ivy. E.g IIS shows a 404 when requesting a non-existing or already finished task.</p> <p>Any hints for a configuration that is more user friendly? Is there a way to use the ivy error messages at that point ?</p> <p>Thanks an best regards </p>Markus RührmairFri, 24 Jan 2014 10:18:12 -0500