Hello ivyTeam,

During and after the courses BPM (Basic, Inside, Advanced) I am looking for a download version Xpert.ivy 5.x to install it under Apple Mac OS X.

Or alternative: Is there perhaps a guide with the following information: Manual installation of Eclipse and necessary Plugins (with details of the versions).

Best Greetings and thanks for your help, Manfred Stolze

asked 16.11.2013 at 11:20

StoRicMan's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 22.01.2014 at 12:12

admin's gravatar image

admin ♦♦

Internally we also have Xpert.ivy Designer builds for Mac OS X and Linux. However they are not yet officially supported and at least the OS X build has some known glitches.

Xpert.ivy Designer on Mac

If you're really interested in trying one of the builds (Remember: not supported) leave a comment to this answer and I see what I can do.


answered 19.11.2013 at 16:21

Peter%20St%C3%B6ckli's gravatar image

Peter Stöckli ♦
accept rate: 69%

There is no official Ivy Designer release for MacOS. The MacOS designer is only available as sprint or nightly release:


answered 27.12.2017 at 01:36

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

As far as I'm concerned there is no support for OS X (Designer).

Any newer Windows versions (Windows 8, Windows Server 2003, 2008, 2012) are supported.

See here.

The Server supports more operating systems:

Windows Server 2003 32 Bit (x86), Windows Server 2003 64 Bit (x64), Linux 32/64 Bit (x86/x64), Linux 64 Bit for IBM System p, AIX 64 Bit for IBM System p, Windows Server 2008 64 Bit (x64)

Tested Linux distributions: RedHat, Suse, Debian, Ubuntu, Kubuntu

See here.

Furthermore I don't think that manually installing Xpert.ivy-Plugins for Eclipse is possible. But maybe I'm wrong here an a OS X Version is on the way too. But there is nothing in the Sprint Results about Mac OS X.


answered 18.11.2013 at 08:43

Nikel%20Weis's gravatar image

Nikel Weis
accept rate: 57%

Hi all

Does any version of ivy 7 on Mac OS?

I'm looking for it.



answered 22.12.2017 at 09:34

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

edited 22.12.2017 at 09:35

Most Mac-Users run the Designer in a virtual VM. Since we now have a linux Designer this can be done in a small debian based OS with small overhead on memory and disc consumption. So I'd definitively recommend to use the Linux Designer instead of the Windows version if you do not have a Windows VM running anyway.

(28.12.2017 at 02:50) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

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Asked: 16.11.2013 at 11:20

Seen: 4,515 times

Last updated: 28.12.2017 at 02:50