Hey everyone,

how can the number of the concurrent useres connected to the engine be monitored?

tia daniel

asked 07.05.2014 at 15:44

danielf's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I did not test this but you may be able to use a probe on tomcat level to see all users accessing the underlaying tomcat. But maybe there is a solution from Ivy itself.

(07.05.2014 at 16:52) Daniel Oechslin Daniel%20Oechslin's gravatar image

We will provide extended monitoring cababilities in Xpert.ivy Lauberhorn (5.1) were you can probe the current concurrent users over JMX. There will also be a Visual VM plugin for Xpert.ivy that displays nice charts.

For a preview have a look at the N&N of the Lauberhorn Sprint Release of the Xpert.ivy Server. You can download it on ivyteam.ch


answered 07.05.2014 at 21:13

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

edited 12.05.2014 at 17:41

Thank you - I'll be testing.

(11.05.2014 at 10:12) danielf danielf's gravatar image

Failed to send E-Mail when trying to download sprint increment. Maybe someone should have a look at that?

(12.05.2014 at 12:17) Nikel Weis Nikel%20Weis's gravatar image

I have change the link. Try it again.

(12.05.2014 at 17:40) Reto Weiss ♦♦ Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

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Asked: 07.05.2014 at 15:44

Seen: 2,431 times

Last updated: 13.05.2014 at 10:13