Hello everyone.

Is it possible to export a business process as an image like in the create report function of the designer?

The create report function works well but my business process is too big so the image in the report has a wrong scale.

thanks in advance

asked 16.04.2014 at 13:17

danielf's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Since ivy 6.0, you can simply export contents from process editor as image with copy & paste. Either for a selection or for the whole process (if nothing is selected in the editor).


answered 06.04.2016 at 14:22

Dominik%20Regli's gravatar image

Dominik Regli ♦
accept rate: 85%

It is at the moment not possible to export a single business process as an image.

However, it is anyway bad practice to have huge business processes. Use embedded or callable subs to structure your process into smaller sub processes. It is then also a lot simplier to read.

As an alternative you can take screenshots of the process. If it does not fit on the screen take multiple screen shots and use a tool like Paint.Net to paste them together.


answered 16.04.2014 at 17:34

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

Hi, is it planed to create this feature? even the Process isn't to big it's faster and easier to export the image by an right click. In the ivy modeller it is also possible.

best regards Roland

(06.05.2014 at 07:39) roland roland's gravatar image

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Asked: 16.04.2014 at 13:17

Seen: 2,373 times

Last updated: 06.04.2016 at 14:22