for example I have a code below

<p:autoComplete var="objTest" converter="objectConvert" dropdown="true" size="70" itemLabel="#{}" global="false" itemValue="#{objTest}" completeMethod="#{logic.autoCompleteSelectObject}" forceSelection="true"> </p:autoComplete>

primeface get error :Could not find any registered converter-class by converterId How to register a converter-class in xpert ivy

I tried with the sample in the primefacess showcase sample but it's not possible in xpert ivy class

asked 12.03.2014 at 05:04

toantp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 12.03.2014 at 09:27

Peter%20St%C3%B6ckli's gravatar image

Peter Stöckli ♦

(12.03.2014 at 05:08) toantp toantp's gravatar image

You normally use a FacesConverter in Xpert.ivy like this:

  1. Create your converter class in the src folder (it should implement the javax.faces.convert.Converter Interface)
  2. Annotate the class with @FacesConverter("MyConverter")
  3. then you can use it in your XHTML:

Either like this:

<p:inputText converter="MyConverter"/>

Or like this:

  <f:converter converterId="MyConverter"></f:converter>

answered 12.03.2014 at 09:43

Peter%20St%C3%B6ckli's gravatar image

Peter Stöckli ♦
accept rate: 69%

edited 12.03.2014 at 09:44

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Asked: 12.03.2014 at 05:04

Seen: 8,950 times

Last updated: 12.03.2014 at 09:44