if I search this forum using the title above I get a list of 111 questions - obviously no relation to what I was asking. Is there a way to ask more specific questions, such as "this AND that" instead of "this OR that"?

asked 31.07.2020 at 04:46

Thomas%20Wanka%20-%20logwin's gravatar image

Thomas Wanka...
accept rate: 0%

edited 31.07.2020 at 04:48

I think this forum has very limited search capabilities. We are currently evaluating a new forum software.

You can try the global search on our webpage: https://developer.axonivy.com/search


answered 31.07.2020 at 05:23

Alex%20Suter's gravatar image

Alex Suter ♦♦
accept rate: 84%

edited 31.07.2020 at 05:35

Lukas%20Lieb's gravatar image

Lukas Lieb ♦♦

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Asked: 31.07.2020 at 04:46

Seen: 6,124 times

Last updated: 31.07.2020 at 05:35