It seams that not all users are imported (only 500) or updated from Novell eDirectory since I have updated to 9.1. I have defined an ImportUsersOfGroup.

asked 28.07.2020 at 08:35

SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%

edited 28.07.2020 at 08:37

This can happen because with 9.1 we changed the way we read the users form a group. This is done now with one search query with a filter over the groupMembership attribute.

To fix this you need either a new version of eDirectory (at least 9.1.1) or add an index to the groupMembership attribute. An index is anyway a good Idea to speed up the synch performance if you have set an ImportUsersOfGroup.

eDirectory Bug which causes this problem and was fixed with eDirectory 9.1.1: LDAP paging returns the same values for each page (Bug 1071840)


answered 28.07.2020 at 08:42

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

edited 28.07.2020 at 08:44

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Asked: 28.07.2020 at 08:35

Seen: 2,209 times

Last updated: 28.07.2020 at 08:44