I think it is possible but in a limited way.
Do you want the content of a HtmlDialog?
First of all you have to define the Data on your html Dialog.
In the javabean you can import this DataClass and fill it with the current content of the HTML Dialog
import test.TestManagedBean.TestManagedBeanData;
public class JustABean {
public void getIt(){
ELContext elContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getELContext();
TestManagedBeanData value = (TestManagedBeanData)elContext.getELResolver().getValue(elContext, null, "data");
31.10.2013 at 09:02
Raphael Bürgin
accept rate:
Ivy Dataclass definitions generate normal Java Classes. So yes, basically they are usable everywhere in the Java environment.
If you edit your question (especially the title), so that it is more specific, we could help you even better.