I use the RListDisplay Widget in Ivy 4.1.2 and 4.1.3 to display other components dynamically and it works good so far.

The RListDisplay shows a vertical Scrollbar as soon as there is not enough vertical place to show all the components. It is included into a Rich Dialog and the list of components to load in the RListDisplay is built in the Rich Dialog Start method.

The problem is that the scrollbar scrolls automatically to the end of the ListDisplay after the RDC has been loaded. I can not get the scrollbar to stay "quiet" at the 0.0 position.

I have tried with the "ListDisplay.setAutoscrolls(false);" method or with panel.ListDisplay.setVerticalScrollBarPosition(0.0); in the last step of the start method: the scrollbar scrolls always automatically to the end.

I there any solution to this problem?

asked 06.01.2011 at 07:46

Emmanuel's gravatar image

accept rate: 66%

In our projects we use the following solution that was found by my colleague:

in the end of the start method we have RD step with the following code:

import ch.ivyteam.ivy.richdialog.exec.panel.IRichDialogPanel;

List<IRichDialogPanel> panels = panel.ListDisplay.getPanels();
if (panels.size() > 0) {
    IRichDialogPanel firstPanel = panels.get(0);

answered 14.01.2011 at 03:29

Andriy%20Petrivskyy's gravatar image

Andriy Petri...
accept rate: 25%

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Asked: 06.01.2011 at 07:46

Seen: 2,030 times

Last updated: 06.01.2011 at 07:46