alt textalt textDear all,

I have the following problem: A HTML-formatted text in the field TASK DESCRIPTION is displayed correct within the task list. Please see the blue colored in the hardcopy.

But the HTML-formatted text is not shown correct in the Assing-New Task-Mail.

See the red colored in the second hardcopy.

What can I do to create "well-shown well-formatted" Task creation mails.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards


Sorry I don't have the right to upload a pdf with the hardcopies.

asked 25.10.2018 at 11:10

Dieter%20Staudt's gravatar image

Dieter Staudt
accept rate: 50%

edited 05.11.2018 at 05:22

Please upload your screenshots as images.

(30.10.2018 at 06:49) SupportIvyTeam ♦♦ SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

This bases on the HtmlWorklfowUi, which is customized, right?

(05.11.2018 at 06:52) SupportIvyTeam ♦♦ SupportIvyTeam's gravatar image

Dear all, the problem is fixed - and it works fine:

the processing of the field content was done with the api call ivy.html.GET.

alt text

After changing this to ivy.html.GETOBJECT the Task notification mail is ok. alt text

Thank you for the excellent support.

Best regards



answered 08.11.2018 at 12:50

Dieter%20Staudt's gravatar image

Dieter Staudt
accept rate: 50%

edited 08.11.2018 at 12:53

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Asked: 25.10.2018 at 11:10

Seen: 2,195 times

Last updated: 08.11.2018 at 12:53