Hi all, I am new to AXON IVY. Hope you can be patient with me. I am trying to use that code here: https://answers.axonivy.com/questions/314/using-db-connection-from-pis (provided by Ivy Support Team) in a Java class in a CustomValidator class to look up a database table. Somehow I could not resolve the Ivy object. I tried looking up getProcessEngineHook method in https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/latest/PublicAPI but the search doesn't return any results. My codes as follows:
I think the code above is outdated since Axon.ivy 6.0. But it should be possible to solve this problem by using JPA: https://developer.axonivy.com/doc/latest/DesignerGuideHtml/ivy.datamodeling.html#ivy-persistence-api Then you could easily access the persistence unit or the EntityManager itself and query any objects out of the database. Similar as shown here: https://answers.axonivy.com/questions/1102/how-to-use-jpa-entity-manager-instead-of-ivy-entity-manager/1103 The rough steps to use JPA in an ivy project:
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Asked: 23.07.2018 at 23:32
Seen: 1,853 times
Last updated: 24.07.2018 at 09:19