Some @ManagedBean with @viewscoped will be cleared after reload page by clicking f5 or reload button on browser. If I correct, It should not be cleared.

How can i fix it.

asked 06.06.2018 at 23:08

trunglam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06.06.2018 at 23:09

I had a similar issue with a ManagedBean. I could solve it by changing it to


Also I had to figure out to use the javax.faces.bean namespace rather then javax.annotation namespace which de IDE gave me as the first choice when I used CTRL + SPACE. This is also true for the ManagedBean annotation. And that makes "kinda" sense to me.

This worked for me in the designer V7.0.6.

However, I am not a real JSF developer. There might be more to it then I understand ;).


answered 13.09.2018 at 08:51

Roland%20Strobl's gravatar image

Roland Strobl
accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 06.06.2018 at 23:08

Seen: 3,114 times

Last updated: 13.09.2018 at 08:51