I've been a beginner in Axon Ivy for more than 1 month.

One of my questions is how to make JSF's URL of Ivy more beautiful or at least, simpler. I already worked with something called pretty-config with JSF before, so. Does Axon Ivy support it and how can I integrate with Ivy?

asked 05.06.2018 at 00:04

Tuyen's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Unfortunately not. You can prettify static entry points to start process when you use an NGINX as front-end webserver. But the JSF dialog instance URLs can not be changed today.


answered 06.06.2018 at 03:31

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

May I ask if it costs a lot of effort to change this mechanism and the URL stuff?

(06.06.2018 at 23:36) ToanLC ToanLC's gravatar image

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Asked: 05.06.2018 at 00:04

Seen: 1,508 times

Last updated: 06.06.2018 at 23:36