I have a problem. I config Ivy Designer to use database PostgreSQL on the local machine. Sometimes Ivy designer has broken and I re-open Ivy designer again, at that time all database was empty. Question is, How I can config Ivy Designer don't reset database when opening

asked 31.05.2018 at 02:52

Phuoc%20Nguyen's gravatar image

Phuoc Nguyen
accept rate: 0%


Currently this is not possible. Theoretically we could stop to flush the DB, but it will anyways lead to problem with our current architecture. As the TASKs and CASEs are bound to projects in your workspace. These projects are converted to deployed workflow artifacts during the deployment process. But the deployer does yet not take care to keep the IDs of already existing TASKs and CASEs sync. So even if you could managed the keep your data in the DB, it will not be linked to any meaningfull project or user...

What I do today to test and have real data is some kind of bootstrap process. A process lives in my test project and creates meaningfull domain data, creates tasks (e.g. with triggers).

I think the situation will be much better with 8.0 version of Axon.ivy. Because we're working on a fantastic paradigm shift how the deployment mechanism works. But currently there are only blueprints of it, nothing productive that we can share right now....

Regards, Reguel


answered 04.06.2018 at 01:56

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 31.05.2018 at 02:52

Seen: 1,717 times

Last updated: 04.06.2018 at 01:56