Can I use the method ivy.session.getSessionUser().setPassword(String) to set/change the password of a user in the AD?

asked 28.01.2010 at 01:32

Steffen%20Janthor's gravatar image

Steffen Janthor
accept rate: 0%

No! Xpert.ivy uses LDAP to connect to the AD. And LDAP is read-only, you cannot change anything in the AD. Therefore a call of the mentioned method would throw an exception in Ivy. This is the same for most method calls that set something for the user or role, e.g. for role assignments to users if the Ivy role is bound to a AD group.

If you want to do changes in the AD directly, please use the UI's provided by Windows or other specializes third party tools.


answered 01.02.2010 at 09:59

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

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Asked: 28.01.2010 at 01:32

Seen: 2,614 times

Last updated: 28.01.2010 at 01:32