Hi all, I have a form (dialog) that it's dynamic. In a field, the user can insert one or multiple values. For example, user has a textfield and an Add button. When the user pushes the Add button, another texfiled shuold appear in order to complete another value for the same (array/list) field. What's the best way to save this multiple dynamic values in a Data object from a Dialog form? Thanks in advance |
Hi!, I think that this link is what you are searching for https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18628169/creating-input-fields-dynamically-in-jsf-2-0-and-linking-it-to-a-backing-bean. If you need more suppport, contact me. |
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Asked: 30.11.2017 at 12:17
Seen: 2,133 times
Last updated: 19.01.2018 at 02:32
Hi! maybe you can have a look at how it's done in Portal Express that is now included in the 7.0 Portal.
I'm working in version 6. So I have to solve it using primefaces or axon ivy 6 features. I don't know how Portal can help me in a Dialog question.
Axon.ivy Express and the Portal are themselves Html Dialog based, so it's possible to have a look at the source code of the Portal and reuse ideas from there. Axon.ivy Express is a way to create Forms in the browser (create new text field, drag it on the form and so on.). So the idea was that you could have a look there. But maybe what you are looking for is more like the EditableTable Demo in the HtmlDialogDemos project?