Hi AxonIvy Team, after running a process instance there is in the "Task Overview" and "Case Overview" start time and end time shown of each task and each case instance. Now I am wondering if it is possible to get this data in ivy script for further use? Thanks in advance for help.

asked 07.11.2017 at 04:18

Gabriele's gravatar image

accept rate: 66%

where do you see that overview? designer? portal? jsfWorkflowUi?

(10.11.2017 at 09:20) Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Sorry, it is shown in the web browser view in designer next to "Overview", "Task List", "Process List" with the following link: http://localhost:8081/ivy/wf/index.jsp?pageId=tasklist

(13.11.2017 at 03:46) Gabriele Gabriele's gravatar image

You can directly access the EndTimeStamp() of a Task or Case and format it for your needs. The code that is actually displaying these values in the designer workflow is written in JSP. You can inspect and adapt them for your needs in [designer-dir]/webapps/ivy/wf. See taskdetails_panel.jsp and casedetails_panel.jsp

In script steps you can directly access them:


So typically you would first write a query to get all tasks/cases that you want to show to the user. And afterwards use the EndTimestamp values and show it on the ui.

alt text


answered 13.11.2017 at 05:25

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 13.11.2017 at 05:26

Thanks a lot. I will try to get the data for my use now.

(14.11.2017 at 08:36) Gabriele Gabriele's gravatar image

answered 07.11.2017 at 05:58

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

Yes, but it is not very practical and I thought it's easier to take the already calculated timestamps.

(07.11.2017 at 07:24) Gabriele Gabriele's gravatar image

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Asked: 07.11.2017 at 04:18

Seen: 1,777 times

Last updated: 14.11.2017 at 08:36