Hi ivy Team,

Recently I got a question from my PO that if it's easy to switch from Standard Edition to Enterprise Edition besides changing the license? and can we reuse the database of the standard edition?

There is no different in ivy version.

asked 19.10.2017 at 00:04

ToanLC's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%


There should not be any change required in the implementation of the projects. The DB must in most cases be slightly modified in order to be used by a cluster environment. It is caused by the fact that deployed applications (and its projects) must be deployed in a shared directory. Typically on a fast network drive. So the filePath to the deployed file artifacts normally changes. (See SystemDB Table IWA_Application). If you work on a Linux Host you may can also workaround the problem by setting a symlink or by mounting a network drive. On Windows you might can keep the file structure on the existing host, share it. The second node can now map it to a network drive on exactly the same drive letter as on the existing host.

So you have to change the license and think about file sharing. You should also check whether the performance of your most important use cases really gets better when you run it on a cluster environment. Some perform much better, some dont. Because the cluster environment normally can handle more users, but also requires the engine to perform more synchronisation work between the nodes.


answered 25.10.2017 at 02:14

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

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Asked: 19.10.2017 at 00:04

Seen: 1,328 times

Last updated: 25.10.2017 at 02:14