We release since version 6.7.0 the Axon.ivy Designer for Linux. Basically, it runs very well. Simple automated installation
Manual Dependency Installation The manual installation process on a Debain based Linux is as follows:
Only for versions older than 7.0.0
Other Fixes This Q&A entry is a community wiki. Share your experiences with us!
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Tiny layout for GTK2 based desktops well aware that modern DE will default to GTK3 this answer is not of interest for many users. But as GTK2 was enforced and recommended up Designer 7.2.0 this answer might still provide insights for some ... If you have a low resolution you might do not like the large buttons and tree margins. I made the controls look tiny in my environment: You could get this settings by adding a
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Version 6.7.1 works reasonably well. When running from scratch some minor issues occur that do not happen on the windows version:
Once I know how to solve this I update my post. Overall the linux version is great effort and thank you we are not forced to use micro$hrot windows. Keep up the good work, Adam
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On Ubuntu 18.04 i use the icedtea plugin to start ria application from firefox: https://askubuntu.com/questions/18792/how-can-i-view-or-start-java-web-start-applications |
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Asked: 08.09.2017 at 03:06
Seen: 4,861 times
Last updated: 23.05.2019 at 04:01