
Can I install and run Xpert.ivy Server 3.9 on a Microsoft Windows Server 2016 and use a Microsoft SQL Server 2016 for the System Database?

asked 27.06.2017 at 11:11

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SupportIvyTeam ♦♦
accept rate: 77%


Yes, I just tried it. Xpert.ivy 3.9.9 runs on Windows Server 2016 and with the System Database on Microsoft SQL Server.


Reto Weiss, Axon.ivy Support


answered 27.06.2017 at 11:12

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Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

I've encountered the problem that the java runtime included in ivyserver3.9.9. does not start on a Windows 2016 Server. All Launcher applications from ivyserver3.9.9/bin directory like ServerAdministratorC.exe, XpertIvyServerConfigC.exe, etc. failded with the following error message:

Could not load java virtual maschine library 'xxx/ivyserver3.9.9/jre/bin/server/jvm.dll 
The specified module could not be found.

The solution for the problem was to copy the file msvcr100.dll from the ivyserver3.9.9/jre/bin directory to the ivyserver3.9.9/bin directory.

Maybe this will also help you.

Bruno Bütler, AxonIvy


answered 22.02.2019 at 09:16

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Bruno Bütler
accept rate: 68%

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Asked: 27.06.2017 at 11:11

Seen: 1,970 times

Last updated: 22.02.2019 at 09:16