Hi when loading a page with a pe:gChart my browser turns white and I get the following browser console error: "Uncaught Error: The container #form:j_id_6c:chartForm:gChart is not defined." After refreshing the page (F5) everything works fine, the chart is displayed correctly etc. Code:
Already posted on primefaces forums here, but since the pfe and pf versions are set in ivy they couldn't really help. Any idea on fixing this? Cheers |
This sample works in Ivy: https://www.primefaces.org/showcase-ext/sections/gchart/basic.jsf;jsessionid=node0gzhije8myrwx1x5550c6oe8h0345257.node0 I did the following: .xhtml
data model chartModel > org.primefaces.extensions.component.gchart.model.GChartModel Java class
ivy logic Directly after start() make an ivy script step, which applys
How das your model look like? Which browser version do you use? |
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Asked: 06.04.2017 at 09:12
Seen: 2,470 times
Last updated: 06.04.2017 at 17:04