I'm using Active Directory/Novell Directory as security-system for Xpert.ivy. How to read LDAP/Active Directory/Novell Directory attributes of a user?

asked 13.01.2014 at 11:48

Urs%20Buri's gravatar image

Urs Buri
accept rate: 0%

You can read LDAP/Active Directory/Novell Directory attributes of a user through the following public API:

import ch.ivyteam.ivy.security.IUser;

IUser user = ivy.session.getSessionUser();

Moreover, you have to map the user property "PhoneNumber" to the LDAP/Active Directory/Novell Directory attribute that contains the phone number (e.g. "phone"). This has to be done in the Security System Settings of the application using the Administrator application on the Xpert.ivy Server. alt text


answered 13.01.2014 at 12:03

Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

Reto Weiss ♦♦
accept rate: 74%

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Asked: 13.01.2014 at 11:48

Seen: 5,026 times

Last updated: 13.01.2014 at 12:03