Hello together, in my Designer environment all cases, tasks etc. will only be available through the actual session; after close/reopen the Designer all this informations are lost und for example the TaskQuery will not work. In the meantime I defined the SystemDb as a Hypersonic SQL DB in the Memory (like Q&A#996) but all the informations are also lost after restart the Designer. Is there a way to assign a MS SQL-based XpertIvySystemDataBase as the Designer's SystemDb or to save the Hypersonic MemoryDb to MS-SQL to store all the contents permanently for further developing and testing? Thanks in advance. Dieter asked 07.09.2016 at 11:12 Dieter Staudt |
Create a Database Configuration:
Open the SQL query window and execute:
Normally you will run into escaping and encoding problems in the last step. A practical solution could be that you only re-import the INSERT statements instead of the whole SCHEMA+DATA to avoid these problems. answered 08.09.2016 at 14:57 Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Dear Sir, thank you for your answer. Sorry, where can I found the Export-SQL-Script? There was no attachment to the e-mail or our virus detection has deleted it. Best regards Dieter Staudt
(08.09.2016 at 15:12)
Dieter Staudt
Reguel is ok :) the export script will be written to the path you specify as parameter. In the example above the file c:/temp/myHsqlDbExport.sql will be written when the command is executed...
(08.09.2016 at 15:14)
Reguel Werme... ♦♦
Dear Reguel, thank you. the first step works fine - I have all "my" case- and task-data etc. No I must try to restore this sql-file.
(08.09.2016 at 15:44)
Dieter Staudt
Dear Reguel,sorry. It's me again. All tries restoring the saved database don't work.
(09.09.2016 at 13:06)
Dieter Staudt
I'd try to work with a delta insert.
(12.09.2016 at 08:44)
Reguel Werme... ♦♦
You can setup a standalone DB (like MsSql) with an Axon.ivy Engine Configuration UI. To run this DB in a Designer simply copy the answered 07.09.2016 at 12:47 Reguel Werme... ♦♦ Dear Reguel (is it ok?) Is there no possibility to store the content of the Hypersonic MEMORY Database for developing and testing functions like ITask, TaskQuery etc.? Now I must create every day new cases and tasks in the Designer. Best regards Dieter
(07.09.2016 at 14:00)
Dieter Staudt
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Asked: 07.09.2016 at 11:12
Seen: 3,045 times
Last updated: 12.09.2016 at 08:45