Hello everyone!

I would like to get an object that implements ch.ivyteam.ivy.request.IHttpRequest in order to extract the remote client's hostname.

A great solution for this problem has already been described here: http://answers.axonivy.com/questions/1055/access-ihttprequest-object

It works well when the type is set to "Business Process". However, I cannot cast the ivy.request to an IHttpRequest because it's always a ch.ivyteam.ivy.request.impl.ProcessRequest (since I'm using a different process type called "Web Service Process").

alt text

I have also tried to modify the generated JAX-WS class to achieve the same result (with no success so far).

What is the right way of doing this under Ivy 5.1?

Thank you in advance!

asked 16.12.2015 at 12:37

ivyUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 50%

I have a solution, but this is absolutely not public API and could be changed in every ivy Version. IvyScript version:

HttpServletRequest request = DiCore.getGlobalInjector().getInstance(HttpServletRequest.class) as HttpServletRequest;

answered 16.12.2015 at 14:56

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

It works perfectly.

Thanks a lot, Christian!

(16.12.2015 at 15:32) ivyUser ivyUser's gravatar image

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Asked: 16.12.2015 at 12:37

Seen: 2,259 times

Last updated: 16.12.2015 at 15:32