
I installed the Checkstyle Plugin (Version for the Ivy Designer 5.1.7. Installation works fine when removing the "Contact all update sites...." flag.

Now I have the Problem that it sometimes work and sometimes I get the following error:

org.dom4j.DocumentFactory cannot be cast to org.dom4j.DocumentFactory Image?dom4j

For me it seems it has a conflict with another library. Depending on which library is loaded first it works.

Any idea what causes the problem? Or is there another source code analyzer that works with the Ivy Designer?

asked 29.09.2015 at 11:19

Michael's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I also installed the Checkstyle Plugin with the same versions but do not get such exceptions. Can you open the Error View and see if there are more information about the error available there?

(29.09.2015 at 16:24) Reto Weiss ♦♦ Reto%20Weiss's gravatar image

The first error is the mentioned exception. In the Error Log are some follow up exceptions about not finding the checkstyle-metadata.xml. I guess this is, because it cannopt open the file.

(29.09.2015 at 17:00) Michael Michael's gravatar image

In the meantime, I figured out the reason why it sometimes work and sometimes not. It depends on the perspective. Start the designer with "Process Model" or "Process Development" perspective and it it does not work. Start with "Java" perspective and it works.

That behaviour works well for me.


answered 29.09.2015 at 17:00

Michael's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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Asked: 29.09.2015 at 11:19

Seen: 1,424 times

Last updated: 29.09.2015 at 17:00