Hello ivy-team, I've created a custom validator with the @FacesValidator("ch.soreco.validator.EmailValidator") annotation and registerd the validator on a component using a validator tag and references the ID of the validator. Unfortunately i got a exception with unknown id if the page called. The validator only works if i registere it in the faces-config.xml. But for a custom converter a registration in the faces-config is not necessary.

Could you please explain it? Thank you!

PS: I created both components and ran the tests with ivy designer 5.1.6

asked 27.07.2015 at 10:18

nwk2Team's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

The missing @FacesValidator support within ivy projects is already documented in soreconnect. See #24770 Respect @FacesValidator annotation

The good message is. It will be possible with 5.1.8!

We enrich the JSF runtime configuration with faces converters within ivy projects (respectively it's ProjectModelVersion at runtime). It's a technical bridge so that the JSF application understands the ProcessModel / ProcessModelVersion layout of an Ivy application.

Until 5.1.7 this bridge has only been implemented for converters and not for faces validators. So that's why you had to configure it in the global faces configuration manually.


answered 27.07.2015 at 11:23

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 24.08.2015 at 14:49

Can you change to use validation by backing bean? with this way we still can validate without registering on faces-config.xml


answered 13.08.2015 at 06:24

trungdv's gravatar image

accept rate: 52%

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Asked: 27.07.2015 at 10:18

Seen: 4,263 times

Last updated: 24.08.2015 at 14:49