Currently we are trying to write a file to the database using Ivy's persistence API - which data-type can we use to achieve this or do we have to use a plain SQL-Step?

asked 26.05.2015 at 12:15

Nikel%20Weis's gravatar image

Nikel Weis
accept rate: 57%

I followed this example with the byte[] variant. The only drawback: I had to write the entity class by myself, because byte[] is not supported by the entity class editor.

Have also a look at this Q&A entry - it's about the same topic.


answered 29.05.2015 at 17:03

Dominik%20Regli's gravatar image

Dominik Regli ♦
accept rate: 85%

Thanks for your reply - yeah that's indeed a draw-back. This should actually be a feature of the entity class editor. I'll have a look on the other post.

(17.06.2015 at 11:47) Nikel Weis Nikel%20Weis's gravatar image

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Asked: 26.05.2015 at 12:15

Seen: 2,135 times

Last updated: 17.06.2015 at 11:47