
in the designer, is there a way to disable a box (e.g. a call box or a script box). Doing the same as in java when you comment some lines.

ty Denis

asked 05.05.2015 at 17:08

dbalasse's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

edited 06.05.2015 at 21:08

There is no such functionality to ignore/skip certain steps. But generally, ivy is designed to be able to run processes that contain elements which are not yet inscribed (configured).

Can you mention concrete process steps, that don't let you execute the process until they are configured? 'Call Sub' or 'Script' just work fine after inserting into the process without any configuration.


answered 11.05.2015 at 13:54

Dominik%20Regli's gravatar image

Dominik Regli ♦
accept rate: 85%

What do you exactly mean with a box? You mean in the IvyScript fields? You can use the same as in java.

// Single line comment


answered 06.05.2015 at 08:37

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

by box i meant step. like a script step, a subprocess call step, etc When developping, i often draw the whole process and then i fill the steps. But some steps (boxes or whatever) are not already configured. I would like for the engine to ignore them. Is it possible ?

(06.05.2015 at 21:07) dbalasse dbalasse's gravatar image

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Asked: 05.05.2015 at 17:08

Seen: 1,418 times

Last updated: 11.05.2015 at 13:54