My current project have 8 modules, it will deploy 8 Process Model Versions in Ivy Application, I set maximum connection of database is 5. But when I run my app, it created more than 5 so it make my app stopped, when I increased number of connection, It worked normally, and I saw it created 8 connections. Why?

I am using IvyEntityManager to control transaction of entities. The problem is Ivy opened connection and retain it, not closes after I do operations(e.g merge...). So what IvyEntityManage does?

asked 02.04.2015 at 09:57

Thanh%20Cong's gravatar image

Thanh Cong
accept rate: 0%

If the IvyEntityManager is used in IvyScript e.g.:

ivy.persistence.<persistence unit name>.merge(...)
ivy.persistence.<persistence unit name>.persiste(...)

Then an connection and transation is created and before the method returns the transaction is closed and the connection goes back to the connection pool.


answered 07.04.2015 at 16:34

Christian%20Strebel's gravatar image

Christian St... ♦
accept rate: 88%

edited 07.04.2015 at 16:35

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Asked: 02.04.2015 at 09:57

Seen: 1,929 times

Last updated: 07.04.2015 at 16:35