
we are using apache poi to create spreadsheet. As i saw in another post (http://answers.axonivy.com/questions/511/poi-conflicted-xmlbeans-jars), I had to replace xbeans jar by a later one.

As i want to evaluate the possible problem that might arise with such a switch, is it possible to know , in a comprehensive way, for what purpose is axis used ? I supposed it's for the "ws start process" and "ws call step" components. Is there another use ?

Will this packaging bug be fixed someday ?

Regards Denis

asked 12.03.2015 at 15:08

dbalasse's gravatar image

accept rate: 25%

I just tested both "ws start process" and "ws call step" and it seems to work fine.

(12.03.2015 at 15:16) dbalasse dbalasse's gravatar image

Its just used for the ws start process, and not for the ws call step. So if you don't have any webservice process in your application you can replace the jar by anything. And else you have to test if the process still work as expected.

There exists a bugreport for that problem: #25110 Use of a newer Apache POI version not possible. You can track it on soreconnect and optionally enable e-mail notification on status changes. Please contact our Product Owner (Reto) if you want to negotiate the backlog priorization of this bug.


answered 12.03.2015 at 15:36

Reguel%20Wermelinger's gravatar image

Reguel Werme... ♦♦
accept rate: 70%

edited 12.03.2015 at 15:37

Thank you for your answer. As we do not have any ws component, the switch is, for the moment, harmless.

(12.03.2015 at 18:51) dbalasse dbalasse's gravatar image

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Asked: 12.03.2015 at 15:08

Seen: 2,242 times

Last updated: 12.03.2015 at 18:51